About Me

I'm a twenty-something who is pretty much average everything. I am a college graduate. I am interested in a lot of things (music, business, crafts, diy, fashion, food, etc.). I like having adventures. I am a Christian, LDS to be exact. I play the fiddle. My family is awesome (and crazy). I am married to the most perfect husband in the world. My husband looks like Prince Harry. My feet hurt all the time. My eyes turn green when I cry. blah blah blah that's about it.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Personal Realization thanks to Elder Ballard

“Put Your Trust In The Lord” October 2013
“the Lord is hastening His work. In our day this can be done only when every member of the Church reaches out with love to share the truths of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.”
Elder Ballard, Put Your Trust In The Lord, October 2013 General Conference

“Make the decision to do what Jesus Christ has asked us to do.”
Elder Ballard, Put Your Trust In The Lord, October 2013 General Conference

“It is impossible for us to fail when we do our best when we are on the Lord’s errand. While the outcome is a result of the exercise of one’s agency, sharing the gospel is our responsibility.”
Elder Ballard, Put Your Trust In The Lord, October 2013 General Conference

“You don’t have to be an outgoing person or an eloquent, persuasive teacher. If you have an abiding love and hope within you, the Lord has promised if you “lift up your voices unto this people [and] speak the thoughts that [He] shall put into your hearts, … you shall not be confounded before men;”
Elder Ballard, Put Your Trust In The Lord, October 2013 General Conference

“ I realize that some of you may feel heavy laden, but I pray that none of you would ever feel that reaching out in normal, pleasant ways to share the gospel would ever be a burden. Rather, it is a privilege! There is no greater joy in life than being anxiously engaged in the service of the Lord.”
Elder Ballard, Put Your Trust In The Lord, October 2013 General Conference

This talk was really inspiring! I have had missionary opportunities before and kind of did my best for the church, but for some reason it just clicked that the reason that we should be wanting to do missionary work is because of love! I know this is super old news and everyone knows that, but it really just hit me. And it made me realize that if I was more loving and my friends knew that what I do is out of love, I would be more successful. For some reason I have a hard time putting my thoughts and feelings into words (vocal words more so than written). Because of this, I have a hard time expressing my feelings, whether it be of apology, gratefulness, love, etc. This is probably why I do not share the gospel as much as I should! This talk made me realize that Heavenly Father will help me if I try. That is all we need to do, try.

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